Liste des films

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Chine Le Costume Rouge 红西服1999
Dragon Boat Regatta 1999
Red River Valley 红河谷1999
The House 梦幻田园1999
Le Protégé de Mme Qing 男男女女1999 3.88 (2 Critiq.)
In Shanghai 2000 2.92 (3 Critiq.)
Happy Times 幸福时光2000 3.6 (24 Critiq.)
A Sigh 一声叹息2000
Thatched memories 草房子2000
Platform 站台2000 3.38 (19 Critiq.)
Fatal Decision Shengsi jueze2000
MISS Jin Xing Story 2000
A Lingering Face Feichang xiari2000
Les Démons à ma porte 鬼子来了2000 4.44 (49 Critiq.)
A Love of Blueness 蓝色爱情2000 3.83 (3 Critiq.)
Kuihua jie 2000
Suzhou River 苏州河2000 3.89 (42 Critiq.)
Father 冤家父子2000
Something About Secret Something About Secret2000
Song of Tibet 益西卓玛2000

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