
250 notes, Moyenne: 3.68

Oeuvre Date Note
Hong-Kong | Japon | Animes | Autres pays | Expatriés | Toutes les sections | Année:
1 2 3

Le Sens du Devoir 3 4.00
Big Bullet 3.25
Royal Tramp 4.25
Love on Delivery 4.25
Shaolin Soccer 5.00
Le Syndicat du Crime 4.50
Mission Impossible 2 2.00
Prison On Fire 2 4.00
J.C.V.D 3.75
Trafic mortel 2.50
Angel Terminators 4.00
Vengeance is Mine 3.50
Inner Senses 3.75
Breaking News 2.75
Il était une fois en Chine 2 - La secte du Lotus Blanc 5.00
Mr Vampire 4.25
Running On Karma 4.00
Moonlight Express 3.75
Tokyo Fist 4.00
The Eternal Evil of Asia 3.25
Gamera - The Invincible 3.50
Detective Dee - Le mystère de la flamme fantôme 3.50
Tiger Cage 3 3.75
Swordsman 2 5.00
Green Snake 4.75
Just Heroes 3.75
Naked Killer 1.50
Royal Warriors 3.75
Fight Back to School 3 3.75
All for the Winner 3.75
Flirting Scholar 4.00
King of Comedy 5.00
Last Hurrah for Chivalry 4.00
Volte Face 4.25
Wild Search 4.00
Histoires de Fantômes Chinois 3 4.50
Until Death 3.50
Doctor Vampire 3.75
Queen's High 4.25
Ichi The Killer 4.25
Duel to the Death 5.00
Legend of Zu 4.50
New Police Story 4.25
Succession par l'épée 3.25
Bird People of China 4.50
Bullet Ballet 4.75
The Underground Banker 2.00
Final Justice 2.00
Gonin 4.25
Outrage 3.00
Guerres de l'Ombre 3.50
Lawyer Lawyer 2.50
L' exorciste Chinois 2 4.00
Righting Wrongs 2: Blonde Fury 3.00
Fight Back to School 2 4.00
Heroic Trio 4.00
SPL 2.00
Bons baisers de Pékin 4.25
God of Cookery 5.00
Hand of Death 3.25
Broken Arrow 2.50
Prison on Fire 4.25
Histoires de Fantomes Chinois 2 4.50
Operation Pink Squad 3.00
Somebody Up There Likes Me 2.75
Crows Zero 2.50
The Replacement Suspects 3.25
Triangle 3.00
Time and Tide 3.25
Seven Swords 4.50
Devil Hunters 4.00
No Compromise 3.75
Running on Empty 3.50
Eagle Shooting Heroes 3.50
Devil's Vendetta 3.25
Il était une fois en Chine 5 - Dr Wong et les pirates 3.50
Heroic Duo 1.50
The Stool Pigeon 2.75
Deadful Melody 4.00
True Legend 2.00
13 assassins 3.00
L' Exorciste Chinois 4.00
Yes Madam ! 3.75
Taxi Hunter 4.25
Infernal Affairs 4.00
King of Beggars 4.00
Le Roi Singe 2 : Cendrillon 4.50
Meltdown, terreur à Hong Kong 3.50
Chasse à l'homme 3.50
Looking For Mr Perfect 3.25
Histoires de Fantômes Chinois 5.00
Vexille 3.75
Forbidden City Cop 4.50
The Machine Girl 2.50
Cop on a Mission 4.00
Flash Point 3.75
Tri-Star 3.00
The Butterfly Murders 3.50
Shanghai Grand 4.25
Angel 2.50

1 2 3
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