Anita LEE Yuen-Wah


année  avis  moy.  nb
Tiger Cage 2 洗黑錢 1990 3.88 40 supports fichés pour ce film
All's Well, Ends Well 1997 97家有喜事 1997 2.73 13 supports fichés pour ce film
The King of Robbery 悍匪 1996 2.88 8 supports fichés pour ce film
Satin Steel 1994 1.79 7
The Sting 2 至尊卅六計之偷天換日 1993 3.54 7 supports fichés pour ce film
Raped By An Angel 5 : the final judgement 制服誘惑2地下法庭 2000 1.65 5 supports fichés pour ce film
He ain't Heavy, he's my Father ! 新難兄難弟 1993 3.56 4 supports fichés pour ce film
Hello! Who Is It?! 1994 3.33 3
Naughty Couple 撞板風流 1994 2.42 3
Thanks for Your Love 1996 2.42 3
Cohabitation 同居關係 1993 2.25 2
From Zero to Hero 1994 1.38 2
Lover of the Swindler 1993 3 2
I Have a Date With Spring 我和春天有個約會 1994 2.5 2 supports fichés pour ce film
The Modern Love 新男歡女愛 1994 1.88 2
Perfect Couples 1993 2 2
Top Banana Club 1996 3.12 2 supports fichés pour ce film
Tour of Revenge 1989 2.5 1
Mr. Sunshine 1989 2 1
Fourteen Days Before Suicide 1999 1.75 1
A Roof With a View 1993 2.5 1
Two Shaolin Kids in Hong Kong 1994 2 1
Awakening 鬼迷心竅 1994 1.5 1
9th September 2000
Lawrence of Mongolia 1999
Handcuff Me, Brother 線人 1989
Goodbye My Romance 再見浪漫 1994
Loving You 男親女愛2000 2000
The Big Friday 走不出的日子 2000
Incredibly Wrong 錯上錯 2003


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