my grade


The Good, the Bad, and the Weird

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 7number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 11number of reviews: 11number of reviews: 11number of reviews: 7

Cinemasie's opinions

8 reviews: 2.41/5

your opinions

45 reviews: 3.48/5

Arno Ching-wan 3.25
Aurélien 2.5
drélium 2
Elise 4
Ghost Dog 1.75
MLF 0.75
Ordell Robbie 2 The Good, the Bad and the Bad
Xavier Chanoine 3
order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

The Good, the Bad and the Bad

The trouble with KIM Ji-wun's movie is that it does look like many "genre movies directed by an ex-ad or ex-videoclip director". I'm talking about these directors who watched classic mainstream genre movies such as Once upon a time in the West, The Godfather or Pulp Fiction and thought their main quality was virtuosity, not the director's vision behind it. As a consequence, they made movies with bad twists, bad flashy stlistics and no director's vision of their own (Guy RITCHIE is a good example of this). This is basically what happens with The Good, The Bad and The Weird, KIM's tribute to western : KIM ruins the entertaining value of his East meets West(ern) movie with too flashy stylistics, too flashy editing as if he felt afraid the spectator would fall asleep without it. And his movie is ultimately the waste of such great acting talents as LEE Byeong-heon and SONG Kang-ho.

10 June 2009
by Ordell Robbie

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