We are looking for a slogan to replace our "Iron Monkey is Iron Monkey". It should be representative of the website of course, which means talking about east asian movies in general and not about one country in particular. Must be short also. Must be in english. Must be easy to remember.
Good Idea, but with this slogan people may not guess that this site is about cinema. I mean it could be a slogan for Asian Paintings or whatever related to eyes. Dont you think ? Dont you think ? ^___^
"Cinémasie, The French sight of Asian Cinema"
Well, we have opened an english version to be not only french but opened to any country. Then it's a bit restrictive to say in our slogan that Cinemasie offers a french view on asian cinema.
"So?... Final decision? Any news? "
Not yet, I wait for more ideas, what I have for the moment is not very exciting : ) We have more and more people registring in the english version, so I will wait a bit until they participate in the forum and bring some bright ideas : )
I'm on your lead.....
English is my native language....
I'm not better at it than anybody else though.... it's not the most gracefull language but it's the only one I know.
"Look to the west where eastern cinema is the best"
"Look to the east or west in peace"
"May curtain rise where the sun sets"
"May the sun rise where the curtain sets"
"In the western, it's an eastern"
I tried for a short moment on one or two of them, criticism anyone?