How to participate?

Add a movie
You can't find a movie? Or a manga? Add the file, enter the cast and crew, provide a poster, write a review, in a few minutes! This feature is for the moment only available in french:

Add a movie (forms in french, translation coming soon)
write a review!
You can give your opinion on any movie or manga available on Cinemasie. It can't be easier: 

-to give a grade, just log into your account, and click on "My Grade", next to the title of the file you are reading. Select your grade from 0 to 5, click, that's it!

-if you want to write a complete review, look for the "add a review" link in the column on the right hand side of the page. It's located in the "actions" part. Give a title, a grade, type your text, you can also very easily enter links to other files of Cinemasie.
Several part of Cinemasie are very easy to modify and improve. The synopsis, located at the bottom of each movie main page, is the first one you can edit. If it's missing, just add it. If it contains an error, just fix it.

You can also enter information related to a personnality, a movie, a studio. Just look for the little pink icon in the right column, it will show you which parts of the website can be edited by anyone.
les forums
If you want to discuss with other fans of asian movies, that's the place to go. Create a new topic, tag it with the names of the related movies or people, enter photos, links...

Cinemasie forums
You know about a new festival in your region, a TV screening of an asian movie, a new release in your country, or any info with a date? Share it with everybody! You can enter it in a few clicks, link it to files so that it can stay in the history, and subscribe to the agenda in Ical or Google cal. 

Add an event in the agenda
report an error
You have found an error on a file? You can report it to us to make sure it will be fixed asap.  Just look for the "Report an error" link on the file where you found the error. Give us your email if you want to have some feedback, describe the error, and validate it.
  • décembre 2007
Aide en ligne