my grade

Dragon Loaded 2003

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 0

Cinemasie's opinions

4 reviews: 1.88/5

your opinions

4 reviews: 3.06/5

Sonatine 0.5
jeffy 2.25
François 3 A new Stephen Chow ? Almost!
Alain 1.75
order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

A new Stephen Chow ? Almost!

This surprising success at the 2003 box office is no real revolution, but will probably please most of the fans of Mo Lei Tau. Ronald Tseng is a decent replacement star here, recalling of course the king, Stephen Chow. The script is quite poor, but the team knows its stuff, from Vincent Kok behind the camera to Sam Lee, Cheung Tat-Ming and Eric Tsang in front. The cast features also some nice cameos (Miriam Yeung, Jackie Cheung...), and the gags are often efficient. Of course, it's never very spiritual, everybody is overacting a lot, the parodies are not very original (Bruce Lee, Matrix...), but the "too stupid not to laugh" concept has its fans.

For people disappointed by the latest Nick Cheung or Eason Chan's comedies, this movie is a decent substitute which should help you to wait for the next Stephen Chow's crazyness. Don't expect too much, just enjoy the assumed stupidity of this efficient comedy.

06 January 2004
by François

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