WANG Baoqiang
Wang Bao-Qiang


year  grade  avg.  nb
Detective Chinatown 3 唐人街探案3 2021
The New King of Comedy 2019 2 2
The Island 一出好戲 2018
Iceman: The Time Traveler 冰封俠時空行者 2018 2.75 1
Iceman 3D 2014 1.78 8
Drug War 毒戰 2013 3.41 20
A Touch of sin 2013 3.28 8
Unbeatable 激戰 2013 3 10
Better and Better 2013
Romancing in the Air 高海拔之戀II 2011 2.47 9
Mr. Tree 树先生 2011 3 1
Fire of Conscience 火龙 2010 2.68 17 available medias for this movie
Lost On Journey 2010 3.58 3
East Wind Rain 2010
Tracing Shadow 追影 2009 2.53 8 available medias for this movie
The Founding of a Republic 2009 1.43 7 available medias for this movie
Equation of love and death 李米的猜想 2008 3.12 10 available medias for this movie
The Assembly 2007 2.91 17 available medias for this movie
A World without Thieves 天下无贼 2004 3.4 30 available medias for this movie
Blind Shaft 盲井 2003 3.63 23 available medias for this movie
Big Shot's Funeral 大腕 2001 2.7 5 available medias for this movie


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Flop underline a poor performance

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