An adult Sakutaro, reflecting on his relationship with Aki, plays an important role. The original story unfolds through his memories. The movie opened in wide release in Japan on May 8, 2004, and brought Masami Nagasawa recognition as an actress. The film was a huge success, and its soaring theme song, "Hitomi wo Tojite" by Ken Hirai had record sales as well.
- Sakutaro "Saku" Matsumoto - Mirai Moriyama/ Takao Osawa
- Aki Hirose - Masami Nagasawa
- Ritsuko Fujimura - Kou Shibasaki/ (Girlhood) Rio Kanno
- Uncle Shige - Tsutomu Yamazaki
- Ryunosuke Oki - Kankuro Kudo/ (High school days) Issei Takahashi
- Johnny - Kanji Tsuda
- Radio's DJ - Misato Watanabe
- Aki's father - Tetta Sugimoto
- Sakutaro's superior - Yuki Amami
- Sakutaro's mother Midori Kiuchi
- Ritsuko (Girlhood) 's mother - Misato Tanaka